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STANCERT intends to build Global Business Recognition in all the areas of business that it operates.


STANCERT Code of Ethics describes the ethical values, principles and guiding rules upon which it intends to base its growth and development, while at the same time building up relationships based on trust with its clients, employees and business associates.

It is vital that every single STANCERT employee acts in compliance with these Code of Ethics and actively defends STANCERT values, principles and rules.

STANCERT’s name and reputation depends upon our individual and collective actions and decisions. Every person we come into contact with evaluates us – our customers, regulatory authorities and people in our communities. Everytime we interact with others we have an opportunity to demonstrate our values and build STANCERT reputation.

Each STANCERT employee is expected to demonstrate highest ethical standards in all our business activities.
To have the desire to deliver the highest quality possible
To stay abreast of the constant changes in the field

To be creative and use this ability to solve problems in new ways.

To be delighted in imparting and sharing the wealth of knowledge

To demonstrate good communication skills and realize the importance of good appearance and mannerism

To demonstrate positive attitude that can have a considerable impact on success

To be cognizant of the ethical, legal, regulatory and industry issues involved in day-to-day work

STANCERT Business Operations shall be carried out honestly in a professional, independent and impartial manner.

We shall be open, honest, straightforward and candid with each other, our customers, regulatory bodies and business associates. All employees are expected to act in STANCERT’s best interests and not to let personal interests or divided loyalties influence their judgement.

Confidential information is critically important to STANCERT and our customers. Due care shall be taken to ensure that customer confidential information of any nature is not shared or used in a way that is unfair. Similary confidential information related to STANCERT business operations shall not be revealed to any third party without explicit consent of STANCERT management.  

STANCERT’s reputation for integrity is built on its respect for, and compliance with the laws and regulations that apply to the conduct of its business worldwide.

It is the personal responsibility of each employee to know the laws, regulations and requirements within his area of activity, to ensure that these requirements are all met and to request assistance wherever necessary.

Copyright @ 2013. Stancert Assessors (P) Ltd.